Our Story

The League known as “N.S. Ladies 7-A-Side Recreational Soccer League” was formed in 1987 and the first executive included Bob Hiltz - President, Janet L’eceuyer - VP, Elly Archer - Treasurer and Anne Hiltz - Secretary.  Elly  still plays, in the Citadel League.


Initially the Women’s 7 aside accepted players who were 40 years of age and older, who had never played soccer and wanted to learn. The age was lowered to 30 to encourage more women to join.  The Citadel League, increased the minimum age to 35 years or older as of the 2007 season.


For the first 5 years the majority of the teams and play was in the Metro area and gradually more Valley teams joined the league. In the first few years the teams who played against each other in the league were the Baxter’s, Shannon Park, Dartmouth Clippers, Red Wave, Shoppers and Windsor Newport.


2007 is also the 20th anniversary of the Gunn Baldursson Tournament.  In its  inaugural year, 1987, SNS organized the Gunn.  SNS contacted the new league to submit teams into the tournament.  The Red Wave, coached by Bob Hiltz won the 7-a-side Division.


In 1992 a Valley league was formed, replacing the Metro league. By approximately 1997 the Valley teams grew to about 8 teams and the metro teams had dwindled to one lone team from Dartmouth. 


In Halifax, during the summer of 1997 Janet Spencer watched her kids play soccer and thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun for women to play soccer?”  Janet recruited friends and family to come out and kick the ball around once a week.   She was informed that there was a team of women over 30, in Dartmouth who played soccer. She contacted them and one of the Dartmouth players, Jeannie Warnell, came out once a week over the winter in a school gym to teach soccer to the fledgling team.


This team, the “Cruisers” would join the N.S. Ladies 7-A-Side Soccer League in 1998 and started playing soccer with the Valley league.


A member of this team, Donna Longard, became a “member at large” with a mandate to “grow” the city.   And at full speed ahead, she accomplished the task! 

The metro area exploded and it was clear that this Region needed a league of its own.


In 1999, 6 Metro teams joined the Metropolitan Indoor SL, playing winter soccer.


In 2001 a Halifax District League was created with 11 teams.  In 2002 an inter-district League encompassing the HRM was registered with joint stocks and grew to 16 teams playing in the spring, summer and winter soccer.


Women’s 7-a-side  were now played soccer  “All year round”.


In 2002, Soccer Nova Scotia hosted the first ever Provincials for Women's 7-a-side with 4 HRM teams and 1 Valley team participating.


Fast forward to the year 2007……


Citadel Women’s 7-a-side Soccer League (HRM) registered 26 teams,

Valley District registered 20 teams and in their inaugural year - 2007, Colchester County District (Truro) registered 2 teams!






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